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Hold Me Back: Son and Father Change the Conversation

Mar 25, 2021

Is Gen X ruining youth sports for Gen Z? Aidan and Ash discuss how youth sports might be the topic that most exemplifies the growing generational divide. In this emotional and extensive episode, father and son open up to each other on a topic in which they both have many regrets and unresolved conflict. Aidan shares how...

Mar 25, 2021

It's the topic that's near and dear to Aidan's heart: Swearing. Is swearing that big a deal? Find out what the research says, what his dad and other parents think, and what Aidan's friends tell him. Hear the surprising psychological benefits of swearing and when it might actually be a good thing, why it’s still...

Mar 25, 2021

Welcome to Hold Me Back. It's Gen Z's time, but are previous generations holding them back? In this pilot episode, meet Aidan (son) and Ash (dad) as they hammer out a new social contract between their generations, and uncover a path toward greater harmony and a more hopeful future. Hear why a divide exists between Gen Z...